Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you.
T.A. Barron
‘Tis the season for giving.
But, for many of us, it’s also the season for misunderstandings, frustrations, and way-too-many-things-on-the-calendar.
Fortunately, with some simple strategies in place, you can enjoy emotional wellness throughout the holidays and well into next year!
Presenting… our gift to you: Your Holiday Survival Guide.
Read on for 10 tips to support your emotional wellness this season (and beyond):
1. Start planning now
You’ve probably already started planning your gifts and gatherings and activities for this season, right? Why not take the same proactive approach with your emotional wellness?
2. Anticipate stressors
Sure, it might be impossible to plan for every holiday stressor. But chances are, there are certain sources of stress you already know about. Goods news: You can take steps now to make a plan to address these– or prevent them entirely!
3. Mind your mood
…as in, monitor your emotional wellbeing, day by day. For some of us, changes in season come with elevated risk for depression symptoms. So, it’s wise to keep simple track of how you’re feeling and consult with a professional for support if you’re concerned.
4. Reflect on your relationships
From friends to coworkers to partners to parents, there are so many relationships that make up our social lives. Now’s a great time to take stock of these connections and identify opportunities to nurture them or and make changes as needed.
5. Practice saying “No”
It’s a one-word, complete sentence. And yet, so many of us struggle to communicate this basic boundary. Sometimes we overcomplicate it; sometimes we avoid it altogether. Fortunately, like so many other emotional wellness skills, practice can make all the difference!
6. Consider your clutter
‘Tis the season for giving… and getting. Whether you’re already drowning in excess belongings or anticipating an influx of new items over the next month, thoughtfully editing your physical space is one practical (and powerful) way to support your emotional wellness this season.
7. Prep for challenging conversations
Maybe it’s a matter of negotiating plans with family and friends. Or maybe it’s explaining to your child (for the thousandth time) why toys aren’t the sole focus of the holidays. This time of year brings many opportunities to hone our communication skills.
8. Nourish yourself
The holidays are filled with confusing, often harmful, messages about food and eating. What if you made it a priority to nourish yourself well and tune out all the diet-culture noise this season?
9. Create an escape
Whether it’s those endless snow days or all the extra opportunities for “togetherness” this winter, don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling a bit cabin feverish. This is normal! And great news: You can create a healthy escape for yourself… even if leaving home isn’t an option.
10. Clarify your boundaries
Time, money, energy. These resources aren’t limitless, so it’s up to you to steward them wisely. Taking time to get clear on your boundaries— and practice asserting them to others– is one of the best ways to set yourself up for a less stressful, more supported season.
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Need extra support implementing the tips in this holiday survival guide?