Telehealth: 5 Tips to Help You Make the Most of It

Telehealth: 5 Tips to Help You Make the Most of It

The most important factor in survival is neither intelligence nor strength but adaptability.

Charles Darwin

At Sonder, we’re proud to offer both in-person and telehealth services to our patients

(You can learn more about our virtual services here.)

New to telehealth?

No problem.

Today we’re sharing 5 tips for making the most of your telehealth session:

1. Plan for privacy

Privacy’s a crucial component of healthcare. Even if your options at home might be somewhat limited, just do your best to arrange for a (relatively) quiet space, where you can meet with your provider with minimal interruption. (Too crowded at home? Take your device with you on a walk, sit in your (parked) car, or find a peaceful corner of your yard.)

2. Check your connection

Is your battery charged? Have you tested out any software you’ll be using? (Sonder clients: A member of our team will advise you, in advance of your session, if you need to download an app to your device.) Will you be using headphones or earbuds? How’s your internet connectivity? Take a few minutes to check everything now, so you’ll be all set when your session begins.

3. Prepare your thoughts

No need to spend tons of time on this. Just take a few minutes, prior to the call, to do a quick “brain dump” of your thoughts and feelings. Not only will this help clear your mind a bit before your session, but it’ll also give you an idea of some items you might want to put on the “agenda” to share with your provider.

4. Manage your expectations

If you’re accustomed to in-person services, your first telehealth session might take a little getting used to. Connecting in this new way might feel a bit awkward (or even a bit stressful) at first. Try to let go of the expectation that it’ll feel exactly like an in-person appointment. Maybe there’ll be a tech glitch or two. Maybe you’ll feel self-conscious being onscreen at first. It’s all totally normal. Remember: There’s no such thing as a “perfect” session. All that matters is you getting the support you need.

5. Be open to the possibilities

If you’re new to telehealth, you might be surprised by how much you enjoy it! Not only does it make therapy and medication management more accessible, but it also gives you the unique opportunity to receive support right there in your own familiar surroundings. Slippers and a cozy blanket? Coffee in your favorite mug at your own kitchen table? A quick tour of the family photo wall you’ve been working on? All part of your telehealth experience, if you want them to be.

Wherever you are, we’re ready to meet you there.   

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Interested in telehealth?

Our providers are ready to meet with you virtually, as well as in our Minnetonka and Medina clinics. Contact us here and a member of our team will follow up to schedule your appointment.