This Is Our Wish for You on Mother’s Day

This Is Our Wish for You on Mother’s Day

The past several weeks have ushered in Infertility Awareness Week, Mental Health Awareness Month, and Mother’s Day.

And we know that with these public acknowledgements come a wide range of private experiences.

So, no matter who you are or what you’re feeling right now, this is our wish for you:

If you’ve raised children or are raising them now

If you’ve given birth

If you’ve adopted

If you’re a stepmother

Are fostering or assuming guardianship…

If you’ve been struggling with fertility

If you’ve experienced miscarriage or infant loss

If you’ve lost your mother…

If you’re not close with your mother

If you never knew your mother…

If you’re a mother who’s missing your child

If you’re a mother mourning the loss of your child

If you’re a professional who cares for and supports mothers and children…

If you’re experiencing unplanned pregnancy…

If you’re experiencing planned pregnancy…

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, insecure, and lost as a mother…

If you’re feeling confident and at peace as a mother…

If you’re looking forward to becoming a mother…

If you’re unsure you ever want to be a mother…

If you’re certain you don’t…

We see you. We value you.

And we wish you:

…and the awareness that you’re never alone.


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