Celebrating Emotional Wellness: Our Top 10 Posts

Celebrating Emotional Wellness: Our Top 10 Posts

You’ve clicked through to read them each week.

You’ve shared them with the people who matter most to you.

You’ve sent us your thoughts and questions about them.

…and we’ve been listening!

Here on the Sonder blog, we aim to share content that celebrates emotional wellness every day of the year.

But, certain posts have resonated with so many of you over the years, that we thought we’d shine a light on our most popular posts to date!

In celebration of Mental Health Awareness month we’re sharing our top 10 posts of all time:

10. 4 Mindset Shifts to Make ASAP

So many aspects of our lives seem to be shifting by the day. With so much change, it’s a challenge to remain grounded. And yet, certain changes carry the potential to both enhance our daily lives and ground them.

READ: 4 Mindset Shifts to Make ASAP

9. 3 (More) Emotional Wellness Myths

Emotional wellness myths. It was the subject of our first blog post (more than 3 years ago!), and we remain every bit as committed to tackling these harmful untruths today.

READ: 3 (More) Emotional Wellness Myths

8. 5 Ways Anyone Can Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride

In the midst of grief and healing, there was a celebration underway. June 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of annual LGBTQ+ Pride traditions and, here in the Twin Cities, there are more opportunities than ever to get involved.

READ: 5 Ways Anyone Can Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride

7. 5 Black-Owned Wellness Businesses to Support

As we come together to rebuild our Cities from the inside out, many of us are looking for meaningful opportunities to support our Black community members. And while anti-racism is a lifelong commitment to ongoing work in our homes and circles of influence, one of the most immediate ways you can help is by paying to enjoy the products, services, and other offerings of Black-owned wellness businesses in our own backyard.

READ: 5 Black-Owned Wellness Businesses to Support

6. 5 Ways to Help Kids Navigate Cell Phone Use

Kids and their phones. From mildly annoying to bordering on addiction(?), their interactions with these devices give us plenty to wonder (and stress) about. Let’s look at how you and your child can navigate this challenging landscape together.

READ: 5 Ways to Help Kids Navigate Cell Phone Use

5. 10 Things to Let Go of This Year

As each year draws to a close, the same pressure appears: New Year’s resolution time! If the thought of setting a list of goals on Jan 1st feels rigid, intimidating, or arbitrary to you, you’re not alone. And guess what? You don’t have to. If you’re looking for a gentler, more realistic alternative to the resolution grind… Why not make a list of UN-resolutions instead?

READ: 10 Things to Let Go of This Year

4. Adult Friendship Myths

Think back to your earliest memories with friends. Did things feel… simpler? More complicated? Whatever your social life has looked like over the years, one thing’s certain: Adult friendships are their own thing!

READ: Adult Friendship Myths

3. Mental Health Awareness Month: 10 Ways to Take Action

Building awareness is an important step… but it’s not the only step we can take. Action is where emotional wellness starts becoming a reality for all of us. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we thought we’d provide some practical suggestions to get you started.

READ: Mental Health Awareness Month: 10 Ways to Take Action

2. Coping with Coronavirus Stress: 5 Emotional Wellness Tips

Between the virus itself and the unique challenges and difficult decisions it presents, there’s no shortage of reasons to feel stressed right now. But, believe it or not, you have much more control over your stress than you may realize!

READ: Coping with Coronavirus Stress: 5 Emotional Wellness Tips

1. School Stress? 5 Magic Phrases for Parents

As the countdown to the start of this school year approached, many of us were on the edges of our seats. Eager to find out what the future might hold. And in the meantime? Our kids were watching. Listening. Asking questions of their own. What’s a grown-up to do?

READ: School Stress? 5 Magic Phrases for Parents


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Did one of our top 10 posts spark something you’d like to explore in therapy?