After all, when a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom.
Arthur Golden
Where were you a year ago?
Chances are, you were going about your week as usual, more or less unaware that it would be the last “regular” week you’d experience for… awhile.
As we approach the 1-year anniversary of a profound, global shift to life as we knew it, you might find yourself feeling a wide range of emotions.
And we’re with you.
Read on for 8 things you might be feeling one year later:
1. You might be feeling lonely.
Loneliness is an inevitable human experience. Yet, over the past year, many of us have had the unique sense of being alone, together. While this might not bring much comfort, try to see it as validation of your experience. And see what your loneliness can teach you about yourself.
2. You might be feeling overwhelmed.
One year later, the overwhelm you initially felt might have subsided… or it might have simply taken on a new form. From brain fog to procrastination to emotions that seem to crop up out of nowhere, sometimes overwhelm shows itself in new and surprising areas of our lives.
3. You might be feeling anxious.
After so many consecutive weeks on high alert, constantly waiting for the next news update, it makes sense that you’d be feeling worried or hypervigilant. Remember that there’s more than one way to stay connected to what’s going on; choose wisely, based on what’s working best for you.
4. You might be feeling irritable.
Crowded living spaces. Blurred lines between “work” and “home”. Extended periods of togetherness with partner and family. If you’re feeling more easily irritated lately, or having difficulty managing conflict, this is completely understandable. Take a break– whatever that looks like for you these days– and recharge your battery before re-engaging with those around you.
5. You might be feeling sad.
With so many changes to the way we approach daily life, it makes sense that you might be experiencing sadness or even depression. The key is to be honest with yourself about what you’re noticing; this is not the time to “tough it out” or “push through”. Give yourself extra attention and care, and seek additional support as needed.
6. You might be feeling content.
It seems reasonable to experience “negative” emotions during times of stress, but… contentment? That one might leave you (and the people around you) wondering what’s up. And yet, feeling a sense of gratitude and contentedness with the people and things in your life is a valid experience that many of us have shared at some point over the past year. This is a gift. So, don’t fight it; get curious and seek to understand it better.
7. You might be feeling happy.
If contentment leaves you scratching your head, then you might be really confused to find yourself experiencing full-blown happiness! But, this fits with what research tells us about genuine happiness: It’s not anchored to our given circumstances. (How freeing, right?)
8. You might not know what you’re feeling.
…and that’s 100% okay! It can be surprisingly challenging to articulate our emotional experience… especially during prolonged periods of stress. Just be patient with yourself, tap into available supports, and know that you’re not alone.
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One year later… could you use some extra support?