
Life and living are difficult, and even your best efforts will not always successful. But having a healthy and realistic sense of self-esteem can assist you in managing the ups and downs of life, and help you achieve the success and happiness you deserve.

When someone is suffering from low self-esteem, they have a negative opinion of themselves that affects the value they place on themselves as a person.

Although it is normal to feel this way for a short period time, feeling “unlovable” or “useless” can have a painful and damaging effect on someone’s life that will eventually cause an increased level of stress and anxiety.

Therapy for self-esteem problems is a valid option for those who feel helpless and powerless because it provides an opportunity for that person to focus on their thoughts and what causes them. It is also helpful in encouraging people to alter their beliefs in order to modify their behavior. Changing a person’s view about what they believe to be true shows them that it is possible to live a life feeling good.

Low self-esteem is also a common symptom of many mental health issues, including social or generalized anxiety, depression, and co-dependency, or those dealing with emotions caused by a recent trauma that have left them feeling inadequate and powerless. In this case, therapy is effective at lifting one’s confidence, and provides resources necessary to enact practical solutions to self-esteem problems.

Children with low self-esteem can also benefit from therapy, especially if it occurs at a young age. Parents concerned that their children have low self-esteem should observe their behavior. Does the child give up when a situation becomes difficult? This occurs because they assume they lack the ability to be effective in difficult circumstances and so give up too soon. Children with low self-esteem may also be more likely to become victimized or exploited by others. This is a result of feeling as though they do not deserve to be treated well, or because they believe they lack the capabilities necessary to better or escape from their situation.

Therapy for self-esteem often begins with creating a clear framework for understanding how someone acquired low self-esteem, and identifying the triggers that keep low self-esteem from dissipating. A trained mental health professional often advises clients to begin by halting all critical thoughts and replacing them with more positive ones. In time, that person can begin to focus on their strengths and overcome situations that cause them anxiety or depression.

The benefits of therapy are vast. People with high self-esteem tend to value themselves and others more. They develop a healthy balance between liking who they are and recognizing that there are ways to continue to grow and develop. They feel positive about how they contribute to the world because of the skills they have to offer, and are more likely to persevere in difficult situations. Their relationships are often more fulfilling because they know they are worthy of being loved by others, and strive to have positive connections with people.

If you'd like to talk to someone about self-esteem, please contact us.

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